Digital Advertising for Car Dealers

How To Get Qualified Leads In 2020

Welcome To A New Era Of Lead Generation!*pexels-tracy-le-blanc-607812*jpg?alt=media&token=d73d66c4-a2bc-4473-b9a6-1c52c36c63e4

Listen I get it. Car sales is a tough business to be in. It's a constant battle of doing everything you can to ensure you hit your monthly goals and giving your sales team all the tools they would possibly need to be successful, and still falling short because your sales people struggle to take a lead and deliver a sale off of it.

On top of that, you pour massive amounts of time and energy into training these sales people to be the best that they can be, knowing full well that in 3 months, 67% of them won't hack it and you'll have to start all over with the next new hire.

What is that costing you? Forget money. What's that doing to your company culture and the customers that you're trying to serve?

For far too long dealerships have relied on unreliable sales people to work soft leads and get the buyer in the door. Because once the buyer's in the door you can have one of your best closers go in and get the deal done.

What we're talking about here is paying mediocre sales people to drum up business from people who might be interested in buying a car, because we all know that a hot lead isn't going to the new guy that spends most of his day outside on a smoke break.

So, really we have two problems here...

(1) How do I fill my staff with strong closers?

(2) And how do I get as many hot leads into their hands as possible, everyday?


Done for you, LEADSLINGERMEDIA INC. helps CAR DEALERSHIPS AND CAR SALESMAN obtain qualified leads that are ready to buy. We move inventory from your lot to the customers driveway!

What do we mean when we say "qualified?"

We mean that we deliver leads to your team everyday with buyers that not only want to buy a car, but that want to buy a car from you. These are people who are ready to buy, they know what vehicle they want, and are in a financial situation that qualifies them for a loan.

Oh, and did we mention that they do all of this and THEY schedule an appointment with YOU!

What do you think that would do for your dealership?

How about...
- No more cold calls
- No more fishing in a pool of unqualified buyers
- No more no-show appointments
- No more lost sales

Why would you need a sales staff if the lead is ready to buy? All you need is a small team of CLOSERS! People who can take the lead and close the last 10% of the deal.

So, how do we do it?

We use what is called a sales funnel. A sales funnel acts like a bridge between online marketing and your website. It's the halfway point that collects customer information before directing them to your current inventory list. It's your digital sales person.

So, how do we connect this bridge to our online marketing?

It's simple. We leverage all that Facebook, Instagram, Google and other platforms have to offer, and then some, to ensure that no potential customers are left behind!

We go out into the online market and target your perfect customers with ad's that work.

Using our marketing know-how and understanding of customers'โ€‹ purchasing decisions, your business can increase its monthly revenue by up to ๐Ÿ๐— or more, in as little as 30-90 days.

And that's just in the first 30 to 90 days. Your revenue growth will only continue to climb up from there each month.

We already know that you have great inventory. Now we just need to bring you the right people.

Enter your information below and let's get started!

Let Lead Slinger Bring You The Perfect Customer

High converting sales funnels ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐ŸŒช๏ธ

Paid Advertising

Calendar Scheduler Integrations

Facebook Messenger Chatbots๐Ÿค–

SMS Marketing ๐Ÿ“ฒ

Facebook and Google Pixel Setup

We're helping CAR DEALERS advertise via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, & Google -- each business is unique and best suited for a particular platform. Are you ready to grow your business? Get a chatbot set up on your website and on your Facebook business page. LEADSLINGERMEDIA INC.

Check Out How Many Leads Other Dealerships Are Getting*Facebookstats*png?alt=media&token=eb9276a2-ff17-44c5-8957-1c52e4a67c11*Screenshot%20(7)*png?alt=media&token=5e6b07e0-17be-481d-9970-ee8ec33160c1*IMG_9455*PNG?alt=media&token=78e9f513-6227-4219-87e0-0839000d5e2c*IMG_9454*PNG?alt=media&token=365b9dc6-4b6f-4fd3-9a62-66d4f882c151*IMG_9481*jpg?alt=media&token=7a721c83-3b56-40fb-9507-b15ba5f15494*IMG_9482*PNG?alt=media&token=9fa37056-baec-4d46-a3e7-bed2749b909b

A solid business plan, great execution and ambitious goals will only take you so far if you don't have qualified leads. Lot's of DEALERSHIPS offer great TRUCKS, CARS AND SUV'S, an amazing staff and the best prices, but they still struggle to get the influx of the clients or customers they deserve.

This is why it's very important to obtain value, quality and trust for business and this can only be achieved with the proper class of social media marketing.

Are you ready to stop the nonsense and find real people that want to buy a car from you today?

If you're ready to make the jump and build the bridge, enter your information at the top of this page.

LEADSLINGERMEDIA INC. is a professional Agency that understands the crucial and rational processes of Digital Marketing, our company is composed of a professional team of marketing experts who through proven and innovative methods provide custom-fit Digital marketing solutions to bring businesses to the right set of customers they deserve and in the process, facilitating more well timed sales and increased profit.

As a company, we believe that it is important for DEALERSHIPS and DEALERSHIP OWNERS to fully optimize their active loyal customer base, reach a certain height and make tangible influence in the modern market system.

Through effective Digital marketing great entrepreneurial ideas are nourished and great TRUCKS AND CARS get to reach the perfect customers and clients. We at LEAD SLINGER believe that it is our duty to be the solution for CAR DEALERSHIPS in all niches at best. We want to actively bridge the gap between CAR DEALERS and CUSTOMERS.

Fill out of the form at the top of this page for a free consultation and Facebook Pixel Setup today!*FACEBOOK%20PIXELS*png?alt=media&token=08746f50-5e25-4fc6-ae3b-ad95ba11401f